Vintage Postcard Frank Palumbo's Cabaret-Restaurant Philadelphia Pennsylvania



A Gala Private Party"Where Every Party is a Banquet"• FRANK PALUMBO'S CABARET - RESTAURANT Famous for Food Since 1884 824-830 Catherine Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. Floor Shows Nightly Private Room for Banquets in an Atmosphere of Friendly Hospitality Popular Dance Orchestras RENAULT MAIN DINING ROOM - SEATS 800 PERSONS

THE ADVERTISERS'PRESS, PHILADELPHIA, In PHILADELPHIA, beginning with a modest eating house in 1884, FRANK PALUMBO'S has become famous for its excellent cuisine, rare liquors, a high standard of entertainment and distinctive service for discriminating people, and we attribute our success to friends telling friends. GENUINE CURTEICH-CHICAGO"C.T. ART-COLORTONE''POST CARD (REG.U.S.PAT.OFF.) WE WILL PLACE ONE CENT STAMP HERE OB-H2567 POST CARD

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