111 Meteor Crater between Flagstaff and Winslow, Arizona 5B-H733
METEOR CRATER, SOUTH OF HIGHWAY 66, BETWEEN WINSLOW AND FLAGSTAFF, ARIZ. This crater was formed by the falling of an immense meteor which threw out over. 300 - 000,000 tons of debris. It is 700 feet deep and'three miles in circumference. The meteot 20 estimated to weigh 5,000,000 tons and is com posed of iron, nickel, platinum, and othet rare materials. The crater is easily accessibje to visitors. 4P11 Here kong a nece ART-COLORTONE''POST CARD. (REG. US-PAT. OFF. ) UNITED STATES POSTAGE POST CARD CENT 1 Me. X Mes. plan Romelete Helent then peaces Mickigm fugust Rus
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