PUNCH AND JUDY VARURAG 291 CHIRICAHUA NATIONAL PARK SOUTHERN ARIZONA This fantastic formation eroded from volcanio posits in the Heart of Rocks area, de- Chiricahua National Monument Ariz. This area abounds wildlife of all interesting sorts, as well as remarkable anc rock formations, some of which resemble animals, birds and even humans. Excellent roads within the monument and the area afford the op- portunity to visit ghost mining towns. There are excellent accommodations within the Monument and the National Park service maintains splendid and picnic areas complete with an camp of fresh potable abundance water and hot water showers for which there is no charge. Cardinal, and the The beautiful Arizona Mountain Agave (Century Plant) is to be seen within the"to son wins Out here to soak up some sun- shine. mit bad, hom b day: Legards PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY BOB PETLEY, PHOENIX, ARIZON mess Yourse Woodroge 109 W. Nevada Urbana. Illinois Color Photo Clarict din Dowell SARZ 1
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