Vintage Postcard 1979 Pearl Harbor USS Arizona Memorial Hawaii



ER 5 MAR 2 AM 1979 013-3

Dean Mother, OLULU. ORA Here's some colds 27 FEB Hawaii: to add to 21979) collation; will be leaving friday for Las Engales for ally's Wedding - Cove USS ARIZONA MEMORIAL PHOTO BY PETER FRENCH 1125 PUBLISHED FOR EULD U WORLO WIDE DISTRIBUTORS LTD., HONOLULU SARREN PEOPLE'S RIGHT 78 USA 10° PETITION FOR REDRESS POST CARD Mrs. Marietta shumway County Road Deerfield, Mass. 01342 CURTEICHCOLOR® 3-D COLOR REPRO. (REG. U.S.A. PAT. OFF.)

Thanks for looking!


